Monday, July 5, 2010

We have had three very successful days here in El Crucero.

We were blessed to help out with the children's activities at a local church in El Crucero. The love and dedication these kids have is amazing! Some walked for 3 plus kilometers in the pouring rain to celebrate their love of the Lord. After making home-made crowns, singing praises and whacking the pinata, we made our way to the ABC (Abandoned Boys Center) orphanage. It warmed our hearts to see the boys faces light up when they received the soccer cleats and shin guards we had brought them. After fitting each one of the boys, the game was on! Team Colorado (Taylor, Ryan, Jen, Abby, Reagan, Jaelyn, Hunter and Ellie) vs the "Bad Boys of ABC". The fog rolled in and the rain came down ... in buckets. The kids played their hearts out and had the time of their lives.

Next up was the tradition of delivering the "food baskets". A group of local pastors pick 4 or 5 families (20 total for this trip) that are most in need of receiving the basic necessities that we take for granted. Oil, rice, sugar, soap, toilet paper etc. are given to each family in the name of Jesus Christ. It is always an eye-opening and moving experience for everyone involved.

While everyone in the US was celebrating the 4th of July, those of us who are serving in Nicaragua are grateful to be Americans more than words can describe.

The guys are making significant progress with the many construction projects that have been slated to be completed on this trip. The time and effort it is taking to rip down walls, and move and rebuild the walls is daunting. Jamie and Sean (along with help from many local "friends") are doing an incredible job. There is no rest for the weary!

We woke to a refreshing rain in Managua. The boys went straight to work on construction, and the girls went to the local market with the mission of finding soccer cleats and uniforms for the boys orphanage, so they can participate in the "soccer cup" planned for this Thursday. With God on our side, the mission was accomplished!

The afternoon was filled with kids "craft camp" for all of the local El Crucero villagers. It was a huge success!

So much has been done in only a few short days. It is refreshing to know we have the rest of the week to do Gods Work in Nicaragua. Please pray for the group and continued perseverance and success. It is with continual prayer that we are lifted up!


Sarah Amador said...

it is good that tomorrow is only Tuesdy isn't it?

Unknown said...

You may be Americano's, but you are all truly part Nicaraguan with all that you do for the people in the country.

God Bless,

Unknown said...

Looks like rain is in the forecast for the rest of the week.....enjoy!

Unknown said...

Can someone find where I left my chimichurri? And Sean....bring back a Frost, por favor....