Mucho fue alcanzado hoy. Nos acaban casi con la construcción de tres cuartos del examen y de una cocina. Oops - sorry about that, we are still thinking and speaking in Español. Much was achieved today. We are nearly finished with the construction of three exam rooms and a kitchen. We had a successful day treating 30 patients in need of medical care and 15 dental patients. Many of the team members spent the afternoon with the local kids making cross necklaces while other children played baseball. On the way back from El Crucero, one of the vans stopped at a children's orphanage in Managua to deliver blankets and spend time holding the infants. Tomorrow we will spend the day finalizing construction, providing medical care, and attending a service at Pastor Luis' church. Although we have only been here a couple of short days, we have accomplished a lot and have begun new relationships and have furthered others.
Please continue to pray for our friends in El Crucero,
El Crucero Leadership Team
Sounds like a great day! Man, you guys got the blog updated way early, but where's the video? We are praying for you guys! Keep up the great work!
We need you to show us how to port the video from the camera to the blog. Our video is not being recognized.
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