Thursday, October 22, 2009

Team Nicarado!

We have had another successful day in El Crucero. Liz's passion for missions coupled with her talent in sewing has truly launched the beginning of a great vocational program for the local women.

The children continue to enjoy their time with Taylor and Laney. Today they participated in a variety of activities from crafts and computers to sports and face painting! It has been a blessing to have their family join us this week.

Sara continues to work her magic in the communications department. She somehow manages to keep us all on the same page and focused on the same goal. Not an easy task! Her dedication is an inspiration for our leadership team. Both our U.S. team and our Nicaragua team, hence our nickname-Team Nicarado!

Our newest partner and friend, Jean Feist, was a welcome surprise. Her expertise, knowledge and advice have been priceless. Please continue to pray for the funding and processing of the crate. It is exciting to watch the pieces come together.

We are so blessed to have a God that is gracious and kind. He continually provides and guides us in this ministry and we thank each of you for your prayers and support. El Crucero is quickly becoming our home away from home!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

God is Good!!

It has been an amazing two days here in
Nicaragua. Although group is small (4) we have accomplished a great deal in the last 48 hrs. We have spent majority of our time in meetings with various government officials to discuss our plans to partner with Project Cure to have a 40 foot container of medical equipment and supplies delivered to the Clinic. All of our meetings have been successful and we are hopeful that we are beginning to build relationships that will insure continued medical care for those in need in El Crucero.
Jean Fiest from Project Cure has joined us on this trip to facilitate a needs assessment of the clinic in order to prepare a detailed inventory of what medical equipment and supplies will be best suited for the medical needs of the clinic. Jean has been a wealth of information through the process and is very excited about the future of the clinic and our ministry.

Our team of doctors and volunteers in El Crucero are doing an amazing job running the clinic and administering health care to those in need. It is amazing to see the clinic fully operational even with the limited amount of supplies, equipment and medicine. Nearly 30 patients are being seen each day the clinic is open. With an additional 15-20 receiving dental care.

Plans are underway for the construction of a kitchen at the clinic in order to better support the weekly feeding program that is being run out of the clinic. We are hopeful to begin the kitchen build out on our next team trip in December. A generous church in California has fully funded the kitchen build out. We are blessed by their support.

Tomorrow several from our team will begin a new arm of our ministry. A new vocational education program is underway that will teach women in El Crucero sewing as a trade. It will be an exciting opportunity to expand our ministry and help the local women towards a brighter future for themselves and their families.